

As a Christian organization, our goal is to support our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East by praying for them and helping them in whatever way that benefits them.

We carry out our projects in collaboration with various partners in countries as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon etc.



Pastoral workers are supported on various places in the Middle East. 

They speak with people in need, with refugees and
displaced persons like Assyrians, Armenians and Chaldeans. They suffer a lot of trouble and pain. Most have lived in refugee camps for four or five years. Some young people have only recently returned after years of being held as slaves by IS.

They do (small-scale) Bible studies with people who come from Christian villages. Their wifes guide girls abused by IS as sex slaves and offer them trauma therapy, a listening ear and God’s Word.

Their work is often difficult. They experience opposition from many sides, but they can also see that their work is fruitful in the Lord.

Food parcels

One of our partners is able to distribute food parcels. Living conditions in the country are tough. Parts of cities and many villages are still largely in ruins. One of our contacts recently said: “The situation has not been as bad in the last hundred years, since the First World War, as it is now.”

Since the outbreak of the crisis, many people have fled to the same regions and the population in those places has increased enormously. There is a lack of almost everything: housing, medical care and education.

Our partner distributes food parcels with volunteers and shares the Gospel. They have been doing this for several years now.

They are short of hands to meet all urgent needs. With a group of volunteers, they offer practical help to anyone who needs it. As a result, people come into contact with the Gospel every week. Dozens of them are now coming back to church.  


More than ever, we are convinced that we has made a good choice to focus primarily on spiritual needs: translating and distributing good books, supporting Bible school students, financing a trauma healing program offered by Christian counselors.

We regard it as a privilege that our foundation can make a small contribution to a revival brought about by the Holy Spirit among Christians in the Middle East. Perhaps much more than through fundraising, sharing stories about the budding of God’s Kingdom in the Arab world contributes to that. 

Prayer is needed for our Christian brothers and sisters in the Middle East. “Thy kingdom come. To you be the honor and the glory.”